At Halo LAX we want to ensure player and visitor safety by implementing the below guidelines. We are aligned with state and local public health guidelines regarding social distancing and gathering sizes.

COVID-19 Mitigation & Safety Procedures

Halo LAX understands that risk of exposure to communicable diseases cannot be 100% eliminated and has compiled the following guidelines and protocols to maximize the safety of all players, coaches, spectators, and tournament staff. These protocols are obtained from an extensive network that is the “Best Practices” set forth by health, safety, and government agencies. Halo LAX primarily used guidance from the CDC and State Health Departments as well as US Lacrosse.

General hygiene practices to reduce the risk of spread of infection, the following practices are recommended to mitigate transmission of communicable disease, including COVID-19.

  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover mouth and nose (with arm or elbow, not hands) when coughing or sneezing and wash hands afterward.
  • Wear a face mask or covering at any time you are in public and unable to maintain social distancing.
  • Frequently clean commonly used surfaces (doorknobs, for example) with an antiseptic cleanser.
  • Avoid contact with other individuals (shaking hands, for example).
  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet between you and others.
  • Stay home if you feel sick and contact your health care provider.

Based on years of lacrosse administration and event management experience, Halo Lax stands ready prior, during, and after every tournament to revise these procedures with the latest information as needed to deliver the safest gameday and tournament environment possible. Our best practices and the exact methods for implementing these guidelines and recommendations may vary for Halo LAX.

Implementing these initiatives will require a coordinated and cooperative effort between Halo LAX, participating clubs/teams, coaches, players and parents, referees, and event staff. While Halo LAX is tasked to create and maintain a safe tournament environment, clubs/teams and parents are the only ones who can make the decision for their player/child to participate.

General Tournament Facility Sanitizing

  • All restrooms will be cleaned before, during, and after each event.
  • All restrooms will be supplied with hand sanitizer.
  • Multiple Hand Sanitizing Units will be strategically placed throughout the facility.
  • All the above structures will be wiped down by event staff every hour throughout the tournament.
  • All the above structures will have supplies checked and re-stocked every hour throughout the tournament.

Pre-Event Protocols: General Health & Safety

  • All players and coaches should do a temperature self-check prior to participating in Halo LAX;
    • If a person has a temperature of over 100 degrees, that person should not travel, nor participate in the event.
  • Everyone who feels sick or has any symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend the Halo LAX event.
  • Anyone who has had close contact within 14-days with a person known to have COVID-19 should not attend the Halo LAX event.
  • All people planning to be on-site should bring their own face coverings, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, and hydration.


Game-Day Protocols: General Health & Safety

  • Signage, ground markings, and barriers will be used to ensure proper health and safety protocols are utilized and observed by all attendees (proper social distancing, use of face coverings, and good hygiene practices)
  • Maintain social distancing guidelines when entering and exiting the facility.
  • Non-active participants are recommended to wear face coverings/masks at all times.
  • Tournament staff will be located throughout the facility to assist participants, spectators, and remind them of safety protocols.
  • Medical staff and athletic trainers (with proper PPE) will be on-site for all participants
  • Game scores, results may be posted online and will be communicated to the team representative.
  • There will not be an awards ceremony – Awards will be given out directly to coaches or team managers in a manner meant to reduce interaction.
  • Anyone who becomes sick during the event should leave the facility immediately or seek medical attention at one of the medical tents.


Pre & Post Game

Players, coaches, referees, and spectators must:

  • Maintain social distancing guidelines when entering and exiting the facility.
  • Non-active participants are recommended to wear face coverings/masks at all times.
  • Hand sanitizer, water bottles, towels, etc, should not be shared between individuals.
  • Pre-Game:
    • Players, coaches, referees, and spectators must not enter the facility until 20-30 minutes prior to their game.
    • On-field warm-ups should be limited to 15-20 minutes.
    • Pre-game coin toss (if necessary) should follow social distancing guidelines and participants should be wearing masks. Limit the number of captains.
  • Post-Game:
    • Handshakes should be replaced with socially distanced applause line.
    • Players, coaches, and spectators should leave the bench area immediately after their game.


During the Game

Players & Coaches:

  • When not on the field playing (or warming-up) coaches and players are recommended to wear face coverings/masks.


  • Surfaces of shared equipment such as balls, discs, cones,and any other equipment should be disinfected before and after each game.
  • Players should not share clothing and equipment.


Post-Event Protocols: General Health & Safety

  • Post-event reports to assist in evaluating and assessing guidance, policies, and procedures.
  • Provide State Health Departments and soccer associations with full access to the Halo LAX.
  • Send a post-event survey to participating teams.

Clubs/Teams:  Coaches & Coaches

  • Do not allow any team member(s) with symptoms to attend the Halo LAX event.
  • If you are sick, feeling sick, or have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, you must not attend.
  • Players and coaches should remain in their vehicles until the designated time to enter the facility (to allow teams and supporters at previous games to leave the facility and allow time for sanitation).
  • EVERYONE AT THE EVENT IS RECOMMENDED to wear a face covering upon arrival when walking from their vehicle to the facility; upon departure when walking from the facility to their vehicle; when moving around the facility between the court and through communal areas such as headquarters, bathrooms, and when not properly social distancing.
  • Players are required to social distance when not playing and are recommended to wear face coverings at all times when in the team technical area during games – Players can then remove face coverings when entering the game.
  • Coaches are recommended to wear face coverings at all times.
  • Specific areas will be marked for players around their team sideline and bench/technical area to provide for adequate social distancing for those players who are not on the field during competition.
  • No early arrival and warm up in areas outside of the playing field prior to the game.
  • Do not share water bottles, drinks or food, or any personal items.
  • Hand contact of any kind will be prohibited (i.e. handshakes, ‘high fives,’ etc.).
  • Balls and equipment will be disinfected or replaced by referees before, during, and after each game.
  • Halo LAX will not be providing hydration stations or nutrition – players and coaches should bring their own hydration and not share food or beverages with others.
  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing – recommended into the nape of the elbow
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with hands.
  • Players or coach should sanitize their hands each time they come off the field and in between each game.
  • All coaches and players should launder clothes, uniforms, and vests after day 1 of the event if the items are to be worn on day 2.


Injured Players

  • If a player is injured on the field, the referee will signal for the coach to come onto the field. Only one coach wearing a mask should enter the field.
  • If an additional person is required to help the player off the field, the coach needs to select a player from his/ her own team to help.
  • If athletic trainers are present for the game, he/she should be treating the injured players at their respective team areas.


Spectators: Parents

  • Spectators may be limited or strictly prohibited from attending depending upon the venue.
  • It is strongly recommended that players have a minimal number of supporters on site.
  • Spectators that have COVID related symptoms should not attend.
  • Halo LAX strongly recommends that only one (1) parent/supporter per player attend.
    • If more family members must attend, a family unit should be compromised only of people who reside in the same household.
    • These family units should sit together and socially distance from other family units before, during, and after the event.
  • It is strongly recommended that people over 65 and/or with pre-existing conditions do not attend.
  • Anyone with symptoms (fever, cough, etc.) must not attend any event.
  • Spectators and guests should bring personal hand sanitizer and wipes to the event.
  • All spectators must wear a face covering while walking between the parking lots and the facilities.
  • Face coverings must be worn when traveling through common areas.
    • Spectators must follow clearly marked directional signage entrances and exits to the facility and at the fields to maintain proper social distancing
    • All supporters should maintain “social distancing”
  • Everyone is expected to cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing – recommended into the nape of the elbow.
  • Anyone feeling sick should leave the facility immediately and go home or seek a healthcare facility.
  • Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with their hands whenever possible.



  • Anyone with symptoms must not work the Halo LAX event.
  • All referees are required to wear face coverings while moving between the parking lot and the facility.
  • Referees in common areas must wear masks at all times, unless during gameplay or while properly social distancing as an alternate referee.
  • Referees must cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing – recommended into the nape of the elbow.
  • Physical contact of any kind will be prohibited (i.e. handshakes, “high fives”, etc.).
  • May use artificial or electronic noise makers rather than whistles.
  • Balls and equipment will be disinfected or replaced by referees before, during, and after each game.
  • All referees should launder clothes and uniforms after activities each day.


Tournament Staff

  • Anyone with symptoms must not work the Halo LAX event.
  • Anyone feeling sick during the event must leave immediately after informing the event director.
  • All Halo LAX staff must wear protective face coverings throughout the event, changing them as needed.

Help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by doing your part. Be prepared by knowing our protocols and training your players, parents, and spectators before they arrive onsite.

DISCLAIMER: The health, safety, and welfare of all event participants is the top priority of Halo LAX. This plan is dynamic and a work in progress. It will be adjusted and updated regularly to reflect new information and guidance from federal and state governments, as well as health organizations, and lacrosse governing bodies. All communicable disease mitigation recommendations and best practices outlined within are intended to deliver the safest game day and tournament environment possible. However, following these guidelines does not eliminate 100% of the risk and potential for exposure.

By registering for Halo LAX, attending, and entering event facilities, all participants, including, but not limited to, coaches, players, parents, spectators, event staff, vendors, partners, medical and training staff, facility staff, public safety, and administrators agree to follow all national, state, local, and facility guidelines and assume all responsibility of risk in attending Halo LAX events. By entering the facilities where Halo LAX events are held, participants agree to indemnify Halo LAX, or its staff nor hold them responsible for any sickness or health conditions that may result from attending the event.